Big Sky Country

On the beach, Jaco Beach, Costa Rica

Somersault in time

Sloth in a tree, Costa Rica

I have loved photography since I was a kid (at twelve I saved for a beautiful little Konica rangefinder). When I have a camera in my hand I feel like my senses are heightened and I am suddenly more aware of the light, color, shapes, and patterns around me. I still feel that way today, and I hope it shows in my images.

– Tom


Old Dogs and New Tricks

The advent of digital photography, followed by the hybrid cameras that allowed photographers to expand into high quality videography has kept the work interesting and challenging, and made possible a whole new level of storytelling.

The video below was literally more than a year in the making. As the primary videographer capturing the start-to-finish creation of a commissioned totem pole by artist and friend Duane Pasco for Seattle based company Saltchuk, I filmed Duane’s work from the milling of the log to the crane installation of the finished piece through the roof of a nine story building on Seattle’s waterfront. The interview segments and the editing was the work of YUIT Communications of Anchorage, Alaska. A longer version of this film plays in a permanent installation at the base of the totem at Saltchuk.